County Surveyor
The longstanding office of surveyor exists in most states outside of New England. The primary duty of the surveyor is that of making land surveys and determining boundary lines and corners, when ordered to do so by the courts or upon the request of individual landowners.
The present Constitution calls for the election of a surveyor in each county for a term of four years. To be eligible for the office, a person must be 24 years of age, a citizen of Kentucky, a resident of the state for two years, and a resident of the county in which he is elected for one year. Before taking office, he must give bond with sureties approved by the fiscal court. He must also file with the county clerk, a certificate from a college or from the circuit judge of his county that he is competent to perform the duties of the county surveyor’s office.
A county surveyor must perform any business in the civil engineering profession that he is lawfully ordered to do by any court in his county, and may select chairmen and other necessary assistants to aid him in carrying out the orders of the court. He must promptly and faithfully execute every order of survey made by any court in his county. The surveyor’s compensation for any service that he renders, shall be provided by the court that orders the work to be performed.
The present Constitution calls for the election of a surveyor in each county for a term of four years. To be eligible for the office, a person must be 24 years of age, a citizen of Kentucky, a resident of the state for two years, and a resident of the county in which he is elected for one year. Before taking office, he must give bond with sureties approved by the fiscal court. He must also file with the county clerk, a certificate from a college or from the circuit judge of his county that he is competent to perform the duties of the county surveyor’s office.
A county surveyor must perform any business in the civil engineering profession that he is lawfully ordered to do by any court in his county, and may select chairmen and other necessary assistants to aid him in carrying out the orders of the court. He must promptly and faithfully execute every order of survey made by any court in his county. The surveyor’s compensation for any service that he renders, shall be provided by the court that orders the work to be performed.

William J. "Bill" Chaudoin, Jr.
4609 Ft. Campbell Blvd.
Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240
Phone: (270) 271-8040 or (270) 498-1097
William J. "Bill" Chaudoin, Jr.
4609 Ft. Campbell Blvd.
Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240
Phone: (270) 271-8040 or (270) 498-1097

Deputy Surveyor
William J. "Joe" Chaudoin, Sr.
12990 Herndon-Oak Grove Rd.
Herndon, Kentucky 42236
Phone: (270) 271-9555
William J. "Joe" Chaudoin, Sr.
12990 Herndon-Oak Grove Rd.
Herndon, Kentucky 42236
Phone: (270) 271-9555