Emergency Management
The General Assembly overhauled its emergency preparedness system in 1998. The Division of Emergency Management in the Department of Military Affairs was created to handle emergency situations. Local governments are required to create and support a local emergency management agency. Each shall develop, implement, and maintain a local comprehensive emergency management program, which shall include a local emergency operations plan, in accordance with Chapters 39A through 39F of the Kentucky Revised Statutes and executive branch requirements (HB 453, Section 29). Each does so in conjunction with the Kentucky Emergency Response Commission.
The county judges/executive and the mayors of the cities, and the chief executives of other local governments shall each appoint a director of emergency management, or they may choose to jointly appoint a single director to represent all the local governments.
Christian County’s Emergency Management Director, Randy Graham, has served in this capacity since early 2010. His duties are to make himself available for response to emergency scenes, command posts, or operations centers and to coordinate emergency response of public and private agencies and organizations. He regularly attends local and state training programs, in order to keep abreast of current methods of dealing with disaster and emergency preparedness.
The county judges/executive and the mayors of the cities, and the chief executives of other local governments shall each appoint a director of emergency management, or they may choose to jointly appoint a single director to represent all the local governments.
Christian County’s Emergency Management Director, Randy Graham, has served in this capacity since early 2010. His duties are to make himself available for response to emergency scenes, command posts, or operations centers and to coordinate emergency response of public and private agencies and organizations. He regularly attends local and state training programs, in order to keep abreast of current methods of dealing with disaster and emergency preparedness.

Randy Graham
Emergency Management Director
216 West 7th Street, Suite B
Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240
Phone: (270) 887-6253 or (270) 887-4100 x 1
Fax: (270) 707-2333
Email: [email protected]
Emergency Management Director
216 West 7th Street, Suite B
Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240
Phone: (270) 887-6253 or (270) 887-4100 x 1
Fax: (270) 707-2333
Email: [email protected]